Our Services

We are a general dental practice that offers comprehensive dentistry to both adults and children. We provide a broad range of services within the fields of general and cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, oral surgery, orthodontics, root canal therapy, and dentures. For a complete list of dental services offered please see below.

Periodontal Care and Oral Health Maintenance: Dental cleanings (every 6 months), Deep cleanings, Oral cancer screening

General Dentistry: Dental bonding (Composite fillings), Crowns and partial crowns, and Veneers

Cosmetic Dentistry: Smile makeover, Tooth whitening

Dental Implants: Placement of dental implants, restoration of single and multiple implants

Oral Surgery: Tooth extractions (including wisdom teeth), bone grafting

Orthodontics: Clear aligner therapy for comprehensive and minor orthodontic repositioning, Post treatment orthodontic retainer

Endodontics (Root canal therapy): Root canal treatment and Retreatment

Dentures: Complete dentures, partial dentures, implant supported dentures, implant retained dentures

Contact us today for a consultation to see how we can help you!
